Curried Parsnip Soup
3oz butter
large parsnip
4oz chopped onion
1 clove garlic, crushed
tablespoon flour
rounded teaspoon curry powder
2 pints hot beef stock (and see above)
1/4 pint cream
Peel and slice the parsnip. Put the onion, parsnip and garlic into a heavy pan with the butter and cook for 10 minutes slowly with the lid on the pan. The vegetables must not brown, but gently absorb the butter. Add flour and curry powder to take up the fat, and gradually incorporate the hot beef stock. Simmer until the parsnip is cooked. Liquidize or push through the mouli-légumes. Return to the pan, correct seasoning with salt, pepper and a little more curry powder if liked (but be cautious: keep the flavour mild). Add the cream and a sprinkling of chopped chives. Serve with croûtons of bread fried in butter and oil.
Note: liquidized soup may need the further dilution of some extra stock, or some creamy milk.
I feel I must confess that we didn't eat the soup with croûtons, but with homemade bread and some chorizo sausage. The spicy paprika flavour is brilliant with this subtly-flavoured, velvety potage.
I can remember my mother frying parsnips in butter one time when I was growing up. She had hated them as a child and was trying them again to see if anything had changed. It hadn't. She still hated them. I fell in love with them at first bite though and happily it is a love affair that continues to this day!
Gorgeous, aren't they? I even eat them raw now; peeled, very thinly sliced and dressed with a mustardy mayonnaise to go with cold meats. Brilliant with the Christmas leftovers!
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