Tuesday 18 May 2010

Milky Milky

This is a really nice treat for the children, full of goodness and, even better, they can get really involved with the preparation.  We make almond milk quite often and this milkshake is one of my boys' favourite things to do with it.  Admittedly you don't have to make the almond milk yourself (you can buy a version in most health-food-type stores and some supermarkets but, as you will see, it takes very little effort and is actually rather fun (for the children, too).  It has several uses; my children love it on cereal and I've made a very successful almond custard using almond milk.  I've yet to try it for making ice-cream, but the time is undoubtedly drawing near when I shall, I'm sure... possibly an almond latte would be nice too!

Almond Milk

400g whole, shelled almonds (with the skin still on)

Blanch the almonds.  Do this by putting them in a pan of cold water and bringing them to the boil.  Drain and leave to cool, then slip off the skins by squeezing them at the pointed end with your thumb and forefinger.  Children really seem to like doing this. 

Put the blanched almonds in a large bowl and cover with 1 litre of fresh water.  Leave to soak for 24 hours or so,giving it a stir whenever you think about it.  The next day, whizz the water and the nuts in the blender until finely chopped (I need to do this in two batches). Strain through a muslin-lined sieve, pressing the solids down hard to extract as much liquid as possible.  Store in a covered jug in the fridge. You can stir in a couple of drops vanilla extract at this point if you like (or some amaretto, which is lovely for an almond custard but maybe not such a good idea on your breakfast cereal, eh?)

Now to that all-important milkshake...

Bakewell Pudding Milkshake

500ml almond milk
100g raspberries (frozen ones are fine)
1 tbsp Demerara sugar

Blend. Hand to excited, pleading offspring. Relax in glow of perfect motherhood for all of ten seconds.
Cath xx

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